IBUOL – International Bugliano University Of Life – was created on Facebook in early 2021 by an Italian man living in Germany.
His main inspiration was Bugliano, a fictional town where we set our Italian-speaking stories across this web site but, having decided to change the city’s name for international blog, we have transferred the same model in Bugdom so here it is: IBUOL – International Bugdom University Of Life!
During the COVID emergency, like so many other social prank spaces, IBUOL had been set up with the aim of downplaying the pandemic situation as well as poking fun at the various conspiracy theorists ranting around the world; the Italian page’s administrator gave us permission to extend the university adventures by having humans and viruses enroll for the academic year 2021-22, and now for the year 2024-25 students can choose to join Bugliano and speak Italian, or Bugdom and speak English!
The IBUOL campus
Every self-respecting international university has a campus, and the more spaces the better.
The main one is at 61 Gagarin Avenue while we have created the branch campus on Nureyev Street, parallel to Republic Street in front of City Hall.
While the campus on Gagarin Street is dedicated to science subjects, the other one deals with arts: music, dance, acting, writing, etc.
IBUOL’s central point is its science laboratory on Gagarin Avenue. Its experiments on the ability of viruses to communicate and express themselves are opposed by some politicians, who fear that a talking virus could thwart attempts to pilot information. Others, however, consider them to be of enormous importance for the manufacture of increasingly lethal weaponry.
This is the meet up place of good and bad scientists, but at least on the part of humans, it will not be easy to distinguish one from the other.
And when lessons come to an end, there is not only the IBUOL Campus; university students and teachers will also have a way to meet in the recreational places: the library, restaurants and bars, the wellness center, the plaza. And there will also be a police station, in case of need…
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